Search Results: "iko"

19 May 2021

Marco d'Itri: My resignation from freenode

As it is now known, the freenode IRC network has been taken over by a Trumpian wannabe korean royalty bitcoins millionaire. To make a long story short, the former freenode head of staff secretly "sold" the network to this person even if it was not hers to sell, and our lawyers have advised us that there is not much that we can do about it without some of us risking financial ruin. Fuck you Christel, lilo's life work did not deserve this. What you knew as freenode after 12:00 UTC of May 19 will be managed by different people. As I have no desire to volunteer under the new regime, this marks the end of my involvement with freenode. It had started in 1999 when I encouraged the good parts of #linux-it to leave ircnet, and soon after I became senior staff. Even if I have not been very active recently, at this point I was the longest-serving freenode staff member and now I expect that I will hold this record forever. The people that I have met on IRC, on freenode and other networks, have been and still are a very important part of my life, second only to the ones that I have known thanks to Usenet. I am not fine, but I know that the communities which I have been a part of are not defined by a domain name and will regroup somewhere else. The current freenode staff members have resigned with me, these are some of their farewell messages:
  • amdj
  • edk
  • emilsp
  • Fuchs
  • jess
  • JonathanD
  • kline
  • niko
  • mniip
  • Swant
  • Together we have created Libera.Chat, a new IRC network based on the same principles of the old freenode.

    23 March 2021

    Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2021)

    The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

    9 January 2021

    Jonathan McDowell: Free Software Activities for 2020

    As a reader of Planet Debian I see a bunch of updates at the start of each month about what people are up to in terms of their Free Software activities. I m not generally active enough in the Free Software world to justify a monthly report, but I did a report of my Free Software Activities for 2019 and thought I d do another for 2020. I ended up not doing as much as last year; I put a lot of that down to fatigue about the state of the world and generally not wanting to spend time on the computer at the end of the working day.

    Conferences 2020 was unsurprisingly not a great year for conference attendance. I was fortunate enough to make it to FOSDEM and CopyleftConf 2020 - I didn t speak at either, but had plenty of interesting hallway track conversations as well as seeing some good talks. I hadn t been planning to attend DebConf20 due to time constraints, but its move to an entirely online conference meant I was able to attend a few talks at least. I have to say I don t like virtual conferences as much as the real thing; it s not as easy to have the casual chats at them, and it s also harder to carve out the exclusive time when you re at home. That said I spoke at NIDevConf this year, which was also fully virtual. It s not a Free Software focussed conference, but there s a lot of crossover in terms of technologies and I spoke on my experiences with Go, some of which are influenced by my packaging experiences within Debian.

    Debian Most of my contributions to Free software happen within Debian. As part of the Data Protection Team I responded to various inbound queries to that team. Some of this involved chasing up other project teams who had been slow to respond - folks, if you re running a service that stores personal data about people then you need to be responsive to requests about it. The Debian Keyring was possibly my largest single point of contribution. We re in a roughly 3 month rotation of who handles the keyring updates, and I handled 2020.02.02, 2020.03.24, 2020.06.24, 2020.09.24 + 2020.12.24 For Debian New Members I m mostly inactive as an application manager - we generally seem to have enough available recently. If that changes I ll look at stepping in to help, but I don t see that happening. I continue to be involved in Front Desk, having various conversations throughout the year with the rest of the team, but there s no doubt Mattia and Pierre-Elliott are the real doers at present. In terms of package uploads I continued to work on gcc-xtensa-lx106, largely doing uploads to deal with updates to the GCC version or packaging (5, 6 + 7). sigrok had a few minor updates, libsigkrok 0.5.2-2, libsigrokdecode 0.5.3-2 as well as a new upstream release of Pulseview 0.4.2-1 and a fix to cope with change to QT 0.4.2-2. Due to the sigrok-firmware requirement on sdcc I also continued to help out there, updating to 4.0.0+dfsg-1 and doing some fixups in 4.0.0+dfsg-2. Despite still not writing an VHDL these days I continue to try and make sure ghdl is ok, because I found it a useful tool in the past. In 2020 that meant a new upstream release, 0.37+dfsg-1 along with a couple of more minor updates (0.37+dfsg-2 + 0.37+dfsg-3. libcli had a new upstream release, 1.10.4-1, and I did a long overdue update to sendip to the latest upstream release, 2.6-1 having been poked about an outstanding bug by the Reproducible Builds folk. OpenOCD is coming up to 4 years since its last stable release, but I did a snapshot upload to Debian experimental (0.10.0+g20200530-1) and a subsequent one to unstable (0.10.0+g20200819-1). There are also moves to produce a 0.11.0 release and I uploaded 0.11.0~rc1-1 as a result. libjaylink got a bump as a result (0.2.0-1) after some discussion with upstream.

    OpenOCD On the subject of OpenOCD I ve tried to be a bit more involved upstream. I m not familiar enough with the intricacies of JTAG/SWD/the various architectures supported to contribute to the core, but I pushed the config for my HIE JTAG adapter upstream and try and review patches that don t require in depth hardware knowledge.

    Linux I ve been contributing to the Linux kernel for a number of years now, mostly just minor bits here and there for issues I hit. This year I spent a lot of time getting support for the MikoTik RB3011 router upstreamed. That included the basic DTS addition, fixing up QCA8K to support SGMII CPU connections, adding proper 802.1q VLAN support to QCA8K and cleaning up an existing QCOM ADM driver that s required for the NAND. There were a number of associated bugfixes/minor changes found along the way too. It can be a little frustrating at times going round the review loop with submitting things upstream, but I do find it quite satisfying when it all comes together and I have no interest in weird vendor trees that just bitrot over time.

    Software in the Public Interest I haven t sat on the board of SPI since 2015 but I was still acting as the primary maintainer of the membership website (with Martin Michlmayr as the other active contributor) and hosting it on my own machine. I managed to finally extricate myself from this role in August. I remain a contributing member.

    Personal projects 2020 finally saw another release (0.6.0, followed swiftly by 0.6.1 to allow the upload of 0.6.1-1 to Debian) of onak. This release finally adds various improvements to deal with the hostility shown to the OpenPGP keyserver network in recent years, including full signature verification as an option. I fixed an oversight in my Digoo/1-wire temperature decoder and a bug that turned up on ARM but not MIPS in my mqtt-arp code. I should probably package it for Debian (even if I don t upload it), as I m running it on my RB3011 now.

    Louis-Philippe V ronneau: puppetserver 6: a Debian packaging post-mortem

    I have been a Puppet user for a couple of years now, first at work, and eventually for my personal servers and computers. Although it can have a steep learning curve, I find Puppet both nimble and very powerful. I also prefer it to Ansible for its speed and the agent-server model it uses. Sadly, Puppet Labs hasn't been the most supportive upstream and tends to move pretty fast. Major versions rarely last for a whole Debian Stable release and the upstream .deb packages are full of vendored libraries.1 Since 2017, Apollon Oikonomopoulos has been the one doing most of the work on Puppet in Debian. Sadly, he's had less time for that lately and with Puppet 5 being deprecated in January 2021, Thomas Goirand, Utkarsh Gupta and I have been trying to package Puppet 6 in Debian for the last 6 months. With Puppet 6, the old ruby Puppet server using Passenger is not supported anymore and has been replaced by puppetserver, written in Clojure and running on the JVM. That's quite a large change and although puppetserver does reuse some of the Clojure libraries puppetdb (already in Debian) uses, packaging it meant quite a lot of work. Work in the Clojure team As part of my efforts to package puppetserver, I had the pleasure to join the Clojure team and learn a lot about the Clojure ecosystem. As I mentioned earlier, a lot of the Clojure dependencies needed for puppetserver were already in the archive. Unfortunately, when Apollon Oikonomopoulos packaged them, the leiningen build tool hadn't been packaged yet. This meant I had to rebuild a lot of packages, on top of packaging some new ones. Since then, thanks to the efforts of Elana Hashman, leiningen has been packaged and lets us run the upstream testsuites and create .jar artifacts closer to those upstream releases. During my work on puppetserver, I worked on the following packages:
    List of packages
    • backport9
    • bidi-clojure
    • clj-digest-clojure
    • clj-helper
    • clj-time-clojure
    • clj-yaml-clojure
    • cljx-clojure
    • core-async-clojure
    • core-cache-clojure
    • core-match-clojure
    • cpath-clojure
    • crypto-equality-clojure
    • crypto-random-clojure
    • data-csv-clojure
    • data-json-clojure
    • data-priority-map-clojure
    • java-classpath-clojure
    • jnr-constants
    • jnr-enxio
    • jruby
    • jruby-utils-clojure
    • kitchensink-clojure
    • lazymap-clojure
    • liberator-clojure
    • ordered-clojure
    • pathetic-clojure
    • potemkin-clojure
    • prismatic-plumbing-clojure
    • prismatic-schema-clojure
    • puppetlabs-http-client-clojure
    • puppetlabs-i18n-clojure
    • puppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure
    • puppetserver
    • raynes-fs-clojure
    • riddley-clojure
    • ring-basic-authentication-clojure
    • ring-clojure
    • ring-codec-clojure
    • shell-utils-clojure
    • ssl-utils-clojure
    • test-check-clojure
    • tools-analyzer-clojure
    • tools-analyzer-jvm-clojure
    • tools-cli-clojure
    • tools-reader-clojure
    • trapperkeeper-authorization-clojure
    • trapperkeeper-clojure
    • trapperkeeper-filesystem-watcher-clojure
    • trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure
    • trapperkeeper-scheduler-clojure
    • trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure
    • url-clojure
    • useful-clojure
    • watchtower-clojure
    If you want to learn more about packaging Clojure libraries and applications, I rewrote the Debian Clojure packaging tutorial and added a section about the quirks of using leiningen without a dedicated dh_lein tool. Work left to get puppetserver 6 in the archive Unfortunately, I was not able to finish the puppetserver 6 packaging work. It is thus unlikely it will make it in Debian Bullseye. If the issues described below are fixed, it would be possible to to package puppetserver in bullseye-backports though. So what's left? jruby Although I tried my best (kudos to Utkarsh Gupta and Thomas Goirand for the help), jruby in Debian is still broken. It does build properly, but the testsuite fails with multiple errors: jruby testsuite failures aside, I have not been able to use the jruby.deb the package currently builds in jruby-utils-clojure (testsuite failure). I had the same exact failure with the (more broken) jruby version that is currently in the archive, which leads me to think this is a LOAD_PATH issue in jruby-utils-clojure. More on that below. To try to bypass these issues, I tried to vendor jruby into jruby-utils-clojure. At first I understood vendoring meant including upstream pre-built artifacts (jruby-complete.jar) and shipping them directly. After talking with people on the #debian-mentors and #debian-ftp IRC channels, I now understand why this isn't a good idea (and why it's not permitted in Debian). Many thanks to the people who were patient and kind enough to discuss this with me and give me alternatives. As far as I now understand it, vendoring in Debian means "to have an embedded copy of the source code in another package". Code shipped that way still needs to be built from source. This means we need to build jruby ourselves, one way or another. Vendoring jruby in another package thus isn't terribly helpful. If fixing jruby the proper way isn't possible, I would suggest trying to build the package using embedded code copies of the external libraries jruby needs to build, instead of trying to use the Debian libraries.2 This should make it easier to replicate what upstream does and to have a final .jar that can be used. jruby-utils-clojure This package is a first-level dependency for puppetserver and is the glue between jruby and puppetserver. It builds fine, but the testsuite fails when using the Debian jruby package. I think the problem is caused by a jruby LOAD_PATH issue. The Debian jruby package plays with the LOAD_PATH a little to try use Debian packages instead of downloading gems from the web, as upstream jruby does. This seems to clash with the gem-home, gem-path, and jruby-load-path variables in the jruby-utils-clojure package. The testsuite plays around with these variables and some Ruby libraries can't be found. I tried to fix this, but failed. Using the upstream jruby-complete.jar instead of the Debian jruby package, the testsuite passes fine. This package could clearly be uploaded to NEW right now by ignoring the testsuite failures (we're just packaging static .clj source files in the proper location in a .jar). puppetserver jruby issues aside, packaging puppetserver itself is 80% done. Using the upstream jruby-complete.jar artifact, the testsuite fails with a weird Clojure error I'm not sure I understand, but I haven't debugged it for very long. Upstream uses git submodules to vendor puppet (agent), hiera (3), facter and puppet-resource-api for the testsuite to run properly. I haven't touched that, but I believe we can either: Without the testsuite actually running, it's hard to know what files are needed in those packages. What now Puppet 5 is now deprecated. If you or your organisation cares about Puppet in Debian,3 puppetserver really isn't far away from making it in the archive. Very talented Debian Developers are always eager to work on these issues and can be contracted for very reasonable rates. If you're interested in contracting someone to help iron out the last issues, don't hesitate to reach out via one of the following: As for I, I'm happy to say I got a new contract and will go back to teaching Economics for the Winter 2021 session. I might help out with some general Debian packaging work from time to time, but it'll be as a hobby instead of a job. Thanks The work I did during the last 6 weeks would be not have been possible without the support of the Wikimedia Foundation, who were gracious enough to contract me. My particular thanks to Faidon Liambotis, Moritz M hlenhoff and John Bond. Many, many thanks to Rob Browning, Thomas Goirand, Elana Hashman, Utkarsh Gupta and Apollon Oikonomopoulos for their direct and indirect help, without which all of this wouldn't have been possible.

    1. For example, the upstream package for the Puppet Agent vendors OpenSSL.
    2. One of the problems of using Ruby libraries already packaged in Debian is that jruby currently only supports Ruby 2.5. Ruby libraries in Debian are currently expected to work with Ruby 2.7, with the transition to Ruby 3.0 planned after the Bullseye release.
    3. If you run Puppet, you clearly should care: the .deb packages upstream publishes really aren't great and I would not recommend using them.

    5 January 2021

    Russ Allbery: New year haul

    For once, I've already read and reviewed quite a few of these books. Elizabeth Bear Machine (sff)
    Timothy Caulfield Your Day, Your Way (non-fiction)
    S.A. Chakraborty The City of Brass (sff)
    John Dickerson The Hardest Job in the World (non-fiction)
    Tracy Deonn Legendborn (sff)
    Lindsay Ellis Axiom's End (sff)
    Alix E. Harrow The Once and Future Witches (sff)
    TJ Klune The House in the Cerulean Sea (sff)
    Maria Konnikova The Biggest Bluff (non-fiction)
    Talia Levin Culture Warlords (non-fiction)
    Yoon Ha Lee Phoenix Extravagent (sff)
    Yoon Ha Lee, et al. The Vela (sff)
    Michael Lewis Flash Boys (non-fiction)
    Michael Lewis Losers (non-fiction)
    Michael Lewis The Undoing Project (non-fiction)
    Megan Lindholm Wizard of the Pigeons (sff)
    Nathan Lowell Quarter Share (sff)
    Adrienne Martini Somebody's Gotta Do It (non-fiction)
    Tamsyn Muir Princess Florinda and the Forty-Flight Tower (sff)
    Naomi Novik A Deadly Education (sff)
    Margaret Owen The Merciful Crow (sff)
    Anne Helen Peterson Can't Even (non-fiction)
    Devon Price Laziness Does Not Exist (non-fiction)
    The Secret Barrister The Secret Barrister (non-fiction)
    Studs Terkel Working (non-fiction)
    Kathi Weeks The Problem with Work (non-fiction)
    Reeves Wiedeman Billion Dollar Loser (non-fiction) Rather a lot of non-fiction in this batch, much more than usual. I've been in a non-fiction mood lately. So many good things to read!

    27 December 2020

    Russ Allbery: Review: King of the Murgos

    Review: King of the Murgos, by David Eddings
    Series: The Malloreon #2
    Publisher: Del Rey
    Copyright: April 1988
    Printing: November 1991
    ISBN: 0-345-35880-5
    Format: Mass market
    Pages: 403
    This is the second book of the Malloreon, which in turn is a sequel trilogy to The Belgariad. You could start here, since Eddings does a good job at summarizing previous volumes, but I'm not sure why you'd want to. This is the sort of book that gives epic fantasy series a bad name. After a lot of action in Guardians of the West, our band of heroes has been mostly assembled. They set out after the villain through the novel strategy of exploring the parts of the world map we have not yet seen. By the end of 400 pages of traveling they... are on the trail of the villain while exploring parts of the world map we have not yet seen. What I'm saying is that you'd better be really enjoying Silk's nose twitching and Belgarath being grumpy at Polgara, because that's about all you get. The protagonists collect a few important plot coupons and set up some emotional conflicts whose resolutions are already telegraphed, and that's about it. After wasting a bunch of time getting to and wandering around Nyissa, all of which felt pointless except for one moment of Errand doing something nifty (often the best parts of this series), the band of heroes ventures into enemy territory as foreshadowed by the title. The structure of Eddings's series is basically Suikoden (collect all the protagonists), so as one might expect the point of this excursion is to pick up another protagonist. In the process, we get to see a bit more of the Murgos than we have before. I've commented before that Eddings takes racial essentialism to such an absurd degree that these books start feeling like animal fairy tales, which is why I'm willing to tolerate all of the stereotyping. It's Planet of Hats except with fantasy countries. That tolerance is stretched rather thin when it comes to the bad guys, since the congruence with real-life racism and dehumanization of enemies is a bit too strong. Eddings dodges this mostly by not putting many of the bad guys in the page, but in King of the Murgos he has a golden opportunity to undercut his racial structure and surprise the reader. What if one of the Murgos is a protagonist and is vital to the series plot? I won't spoil what Eddings actually does, but if you imagine the stupidest and most obvious way to avoid having to acknowledge his fantasy races are not uniform, you probably just guessed the big reveal in this book. It's sadly not surprising, since Eddings is all in on his racial construction of this fantasy world, but it's still disgusting. The main reason why I decided to re-read this series, which is notorious for being a re-run of the Belgariad, is because I think what Eddings does here with prophecy, the voice in Garion's head, and the meddling of the seers is hilarious. The plot is openly on rails to the point that the characters actively grumble about it. I find that oddly entertaining, a bit like watching a Twitch streamer play an RPG. In this installment, Errand does something random in the middle of a Murgo temple, Garion gets a level-up chime, the prophecy gets very smug about how well things are going, and no one knows why. It's an absolute delight, and I don't know of any other series that isn't pure parody that would be willing to use that as a plot element. Sadly, King of the Murgos has only one or two enjoyable moments like that, a whole lot of frankly boring map exploration, some truly egregious racist claptrap, and no plot development worth speaking of. I probably should have skipped this one when re-reading this series. Followed by Demon Lord of Karanda. Rating: 4 out of 10

    26 December 2020

    Russ Allbery: Review: The Biggest Bluff

    Review: The Biggest Bluff, by Maria Konnikova
    Publisher: Penguin Press
    Copyright: 2020
    ISBN: 0-525-52263-8
    Format: Kindle
    Pages: 335
    After a particularly unlucky year for her family, Maria Konnikova was reading about the balance between luck and control in life and discovered, to her surprise, that John von Neumann, one of the foundational thinkers of computer science, was fascinated by poker. He found most card games boring because they relied on luck. Poker, however, he thought was the perfect balance between luck and skill: enough skill to make its effect undeniable, but enough luck that one could not control the game fully regardless of skill. Konnikova decided on a research project: spend one year learning No Limit Texas Hold'em from one of the best poker players in the world, with a goal of competing in the World Series of Poker. She had studied the description-experience gap during her doctoral research in psychology and wanted to see if the experience of randomness in poker would teach her something the description of the randomness of life could not. Before starting this project, she didn't know the basic rules and had never watched a game. Erik Seidel agreed to mentor her, and The Biggest Bluff is her account of that experience. This book is simultaneously frustrating and fascinating in ways that I don't think can be untangled without making it a far different book. Fitting, I suppose, for a book about how our brains entangle luck and skill. First, if you're looking for a book about poker play, this is not one. Konnikova rarely talks about specific hands or tournaments in more detail than her overall trajectory. That was a disappointment. In the few places she does describe some of her betting decisions, analysis of the other players, and tournament strategy, her accounts are engrossing and suspenseful. I would have happily read a book chronicling her poker tournaments and the decisions she made, but this is not that book. What The Biggest Bluff is instead is a psychological and philosophical examination of the process of learning poker. Konnikova uses her experiences as launching points into philosophical digressions. Even the lessons that have limited surface utility outside of poker, such as learning to suppress body language to avoid giving away information, turn into digressions about interpersonal dynamics and personality types. There are interesting tidbits here, but I've read a lot of popular psychology and was more interested in the poker. My frequent reading experience was impatiently waiting for Konnikova to finish lecturing and get back to her narrative. What Konnikova does do though, at a level that I haven't seen before before in a book of this type, is be brutally honest about her mistakes and her learning process. And I do mean brutally: The book opens with her throwing up in a casino bathroom. (This is not a fun book to read if you don't like reading about stress reactions and medical problems. There aren't many of them, but they're... memorable.) Konnikova knows and can explain the psychological state she's trying to reach, but still finds it hard to do in the moment. Correctly reacting to probabilities, cutting losses, and neither being too over-confident or too scared is very hard. Most books of this type elide over the repeated failures in a sort of training montage, which makes the process look easier than it feels. Konnikova tries to realistically show the setbacks and failures, and I think succeeds. That relentless introspection and critical honesty is the best part of this book, but I think it's also behind the stream of consciousness digressions about psychology and philosophy. It's a true portrayal of how Konnikova makes sense of the world. A more polished and streamlined book about the poker would have been more dramatically engrossing, but it might have lost the deep examination of how she combines poker with her knowledge of psychology to change her thinking. The one place where I think that self-reflection may fall a bit short, which I want to mention because I thought it was a missed opportunity, is around knowledge of hand probabilities. Konnikova makes a point, early in the book, of not approaching poker through the memorization and mathematics route and instead trying to find a play style that focuses on analyzing the other players and controlling her own emotions. This is a good hook, but by the end of the book it's not entirely true. The point that I think she was trying to make is that her edge against other poker players at her same level comes more from psychology than from calculation of precise odds in rare situations. This is true. But by the time she reaches high levels of play, she is using statistical simulators, practice tools, and intensive study just like any professional poker player. There is a minimum level of pure knowledge and memorization required that cannot be avoided. It's clear from the few things she says about this that those tools became more interesting to her as she became better at poker, and I wish she would have dug more into why and how that happened. How much of her newfound ability to make decisions and stick to a plan comes from emotional changes, and how much from that background store of confident knowledge? Or maybe those are different ways of looking at the same change? I did appreciate Konnikova's explicit acknowledgment at the end of the book that poker did not, in the end, provide some deep insight into the balance of luck and skill in real life. Learning poker instead gave Konnikova more personal ability to make a plan for the things that she can control and let go of the things she can't. I'm glad that worked for her, but since reading this book I have noticed former poker players who think life is more knowable than it is. Poker combines random chance with psychological play against other people, but it does so in a way and to an extent that is quantifiable. You can make the correct play and still lose a hand, but you can also know when this has happened. When you're used to analyzing the world through that frame and real life fails to provide that certainty, it's tempting to impose it anyway and insist your simplified models are more accurate because they're more comprehensible. But poker is a game, not a model; being more predictable and more constrained than real life is part of what makes it fun. The skill that Konnikova learned from it has a potential downside that she doesn't talk about. I'm not sure how to sum up this book. Konnikova's internal analysis and honesty is truly admirable and illuminating, but it left me wanting to read a different book that was more focused on poker narration. I know there are lots of those books out there, but I doubt they would be written with Konnikova's self-awareness and lack of ego. However, they would probably also lack the moments that made me cringe or that were deeply uncomfortable to read. My feelings are mixed. But if you want popular psychology wrapped around a deeply honest account of the process of learning poker, I suspect this book is one of a kind. Rating: 7 out of 10

    21 September 2020

    Kees Cook: security things in Linux v5.7

    Previously: v5.6 Linux v5.7 was released at the end of May. Here s my summary of various security things that caught my attention: arm64 kernel pointer authentication
    While the ARMv8.3 CPU Pointer Authentication (PAC) feature landed for userspace already, Kristina Martsenko has now landed PAC support in kernel mode. The current implementation uses PACIASP which protects the saved stack pointer, similar to the existing CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR feature, only faster. This also paves the way to sign and check pointers stored in the heap, as a way to defeat function pointer overwrites in those memory regions too. Since the behavior is different from the traditional stack protector, Amit Daniel Kachhap added an LKDTM test for PAC as well. BPF LSM
    The kernel s Linux Security Module (LSM) API provide a way to write security modules that have traditionally implemented various Mandatory Access Control (MAC) systems like SELinux, AppArmor, etc. The LSM hooks are numerous and no one LSM uses them all, as some hooks are much more specialized (like those used by IMA, Yama, LoadPin, etc). There was not, however, any way to externally attach to these hooks (not even through a regular loadable kernel module) nor build fully dynamic security policy, until KP Singh landed the API for building LSM policy using BPF. With this, it is possible (for a privileged process) to write kernel LSM hooks in BPF, allowing for totally custom security policy (and reporting). execve() deadlock refactoring
    There have been a number of long-standing races in the kernel s process launching code where ptrace could deadlock. Fixing these has been attempted several times over the last many years, but Eric W. Biederman and Ernd Edlinger decided to dive in, and successfully landed the a series of refactorings, splitting up the problematic locking and refactoring their uses to remove the deadlocks. While he was at it, Eric also extended the exec_id counter to 64 bits to avoid the possibility of the counter wrapping and allowing an attacker to send arbitrary signals to processes they normally shouldn t be able to. slub freelist obfuscation improvements
    After Silvio Cesare observed some weaknesses in the implementation of CONFIG_SLAB_FREELIST_HARDENED s freelist pointer content obfuscation, I improved their bit diffusion, which makes attacks require significantly more memory content exposures to defeat the obfuscation. As part of the conversation, Vitaly Nikolenko pointed out that the freelist pointer s location made it relatively easy to target too (for either disclosures or overwrites), so I moved it away from the edge of the slab, making it harder to reach through small-sized overflows (which usually target the freelist pointer). As it turns out, there were a few assumptions in the kernel about the location of the freelist pointer, which had to also get cleaned up. RISCV page table dumping
    Following v5.6 s generic page table dumping work, Zong Li landed the RISCV page dumping code. This means it s much easier to examine the kernel s page table layout when running a debug kernel (built with PTDUMP_DEBUGFS), visible in /sys/kernel/debug/kernel_page_tables. array index bounds checking
    This is a pretty large area of work that touches a lot of overlapping elements (and history) in the Linux kernel. The short version is: C is bad at noticing when it uses an array index beyond the bounds of the declared array, and we need to fix that. For example, don t do this:
    int foo[5];
    foo[8] = bar;
    The long version gets complicated by the evolution of flexible array structure members, so we ll pause for a moment and skim the surface of this topic. While things like CONFIG_FORTIFY_SOURCE try to catch these kinds of cases in the memcpy() and strcpy() family of functions, it doesn t catch it in open-coded array indexing, as seen in the code above. GCC has a warning (-Warray-bounds) for these cases, but it was disabled by Linus because of all the false positives seen due to fake flexible array members. Before flexible arrays were standardized, GNU C supported zero sized array members. And before that, C code would use a 1-element array. These were all designed so that some structure could be the header in front of some data blob that could be addressable through the last structure member:
    /* 1-element array */
    struct foo  
        char contents[1];
    /* GNU C extension: 0-element array */
    struct foo  
        char contents[0];
    /* C standard: flexible array */
    struct foo  
        char contents[];
    instance = kmalloc(sizeof(struct foo) + content_size);
    Converting all the zero- and one-element array members to flexible arrays is one of Gustavo A. R. Silva s goals, and hundreds of these changes started landing. Once fixed, -Warray-bounds can be re-enabled. Much more detail can be found in the kernel s deprecation docs. However, that will only catch the visible at compile time cases. For runtime checking, the Undefined Behavior Sanitizer has an option for adding runtime array bounds checking for catching things like this where the compiler cannot perform a static analysis of the index values:
    int foo[5];
    for (i = 0; i < some_argument; i++)  
        foo[i] = bar;
    It was, however, not separate (via kernel Kconfig) until Elena Petrova and I split it out into CONFIG_UBSAN_BOUNDS, which is fast enough for production kernel use. With this enabled, it's now possible to instrument the kernel to catch these conditions, which seem to come up with some regularity in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth drivers for some reason. Since UBSAN (and the other Sanitizers) only WARN() by default, system owners need to set panic_on_warn=1 too if they want to defend against attacks targeting these kinds of flaws. Because of this, and to avoid bloating the kernel image with all the warning messages, I introduced CONFIG_UBSAN_TRAP which effectively turns these conditions into a BUG() without needing additional sysctl settings. Fixing "additive" snprintf() usage
    A common idiom in C for building up strings is to use sprintf()'s return value to increment a pointer into a string, and build a string with more sprintf() calls:
    /* safe if strlen(foo) + 1 < sizeof(string) */
    wrote  = sprintf(string, "Foo: %s\n", foo);
    /* overflows if strlen(foo) + strlen(bar) > sizeof(string) */
    wrote += sprintf(string + wrote, "Bar: %s\n", bar);
    /* writing way beyond the end of "string" now ... */
    wrote += sprintf(string + wrote, "Baz: %s\n", baz);
    The risk is that if these calls eventually walk off the end of the string buffer, it will start writing into other memory and create some bad situations. Switching these to snprintf() does not, however, make anything safer, since snprintf() returns how much it would have written:
    /* safe, assuming available <= sizeof(string), and for this example
     * assume strlen(foo) < sizeof(string) */
    wrote  = snprintf(string, available, "Foo: %s\n", foo);
    /* if (strlen(bar) > available - wrote), this is still safe since the
     * write into "string" will be truncated, but now "wrote" has been
     * incremented by how much snprintf() *would* have written, so "wrote"
     * is now larger than "available". */
    wrote += snprintf(string + wrote, available - wrote, "Bar: %s\n", bar);
    /* string + wrote is beyond the end of string, and availabe - wrote wraps
     * around to a giant positive value, making the write effectively 
     * unbounded. */
    wrote += snprintf(string + wrote, available - wrote, "Baz: %s\n", baz);
    So while the first overflowing call would be safe, the next one would be targeting beyond the end of the array and the size calculation will have wrapped around to a giant limit. Replacing this idiom with scnprintf() solves the issue because it only reports what was actually written. To this end, Takashi Iwai has been landing a bunch scnprintf() fixes. That's it for now! Let me know if there is anything else you think I should mention here. Next up: Linux v5.8.

    2020, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
    CC BY-SA 4.0

    1 September 2020

    Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities August 2020

    Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




    • Debian: restarted RAM eating service
    • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts

    Sponsors The cython-blis/preshed/thinc/theano bugs and smart-open/python-importlib-metadata/python-pyfakefs/python-zipp/python-threadpoolctl backports were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

    17 October 2017

    Russ Allbery: Bundle haul

    Confession time: I started making these posts (eons ago) because a close friend did as well, and I enjoyed reading them. But the main reason why I continue is because the primary way I have to keep track of the books I've bought and avoid duplicates is, well, grep on these posts. I should come up with a non-bullshit way of doing this, but time to do more elegant things is in short supply, and, well, it's my blog. So I'm boring all of you who read this in various places with my internal bookkeeping. I do try to at least add a bit of commentary. This one will be more tedious than most since it includes five separate Humble Bundles, which increases the volume a lot. (I just realized I'd forgotten to record those purchases from the past several months.) First, the individual books I bought directly: Ilona Andrews Sweep in Peace (sff)
    Ilona Andrews One Fell Sweep (sff)
    Steven Brust Vallista (sff)
    Nicky Drayden The Prey of Gods (sff)
    Meg Elison The Book of the Unnamed Midwife (sff)
    Pat Green Night Moves (nonfiction)
    Ann Leckie Provenance (sff)
    Seanan McGuire Once Broken Faith (sff)
    Seanan McGuire The Brightest Fell (sff)
    K. Arsenault Rivera The Tiger's Daughter (sff)
    Matthew Walker Why We Sleep (nonfiction)
    Some new books by favorite authors, a few new releases I heard good things about, and two (Night Moves and Why We Sleep) from references in on-line articles that impressed me. The books from security bundles (this is mostly work reading, assuming I'll get to any of it), including a blockchain bundle: Wil Allsop Unauthorised Access (nonfiction)
    Ross Anderson Security Engineering (nonfiction)
    Chris Anley, et al. The Shellcoder's Handbook (nonfiction)
    Conrad Barsky & Chris Wilmer Bitcoin for the Befuddled (nonfiction)
    Imran Bashir Mastering Blockchain (nonfiction)
    Richard Bejtlich The Practice of Network Security (nonfiction)
    Kariappa Bheemaiah The Blockchain Alternative (nonfiction)
    Violet Blue Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy (nonfiction)
    Richard Caetano Learning Bitcoin (nonfiction)
    Nick Cano Game Hacking (nonfiction)
    Bruce Dang, et al. Practical Reverse Engineering (nonfiction)
    Chris Dannen Introducing Ethereum and Solidity (nonfiction)
    Daniel Drescher Blockchain Basics (nonfiction)
    Chris Eagle The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition (nonfiction)
    Nikolay Elenkov Android Security Internals (nonfiction)
    Jon Erickson Hacking, 2nd Edition (nonfiction)
    Pedro Franco Understanding Bitcoin (nonfiction)
    Christopher Hadnagy Social Engineering (nonfiction)
    Peter N.M. Hansteen The Book of PF (nonfiction)
    Brian Kelly The Bitcoin Big Bang (nonfiction)
    David Kennedy, et al. Metasploit (nonfiction)
    Manul Laphroaig (ed.) PoC GTFO (nonfiction)
    Michael Hale Ligh, et al. The Art of Memory Forensics (nonfiction)
    Michael Hale Ligh, et al. Malware Analyst's Cookbook (nonfiction)
    Michael W. Lucas Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition (nonfiction)
    Bruce Nikkel Practical Forensic Imaging (nonfiction)
    Sean-Philip Oriyano CEHv9 (nonfiction)
    Kevin D. Mitnick The Art of Deception (nonfiction)
    Narayan Prusty Building Blockchain Projects (nonfiction)
    Prypto Bitcoin for Dummies (nonfiction)
    Chris Sanders Practical Packet Analysis, 3rd Edition (nonfiction)
    Bruce Schneier Applied Cryptography (nonfiction)
    Adam Shostack Threat Modeling (nonfiction)
    Craig Smith The Car Hacker's Handbook (nonfiction)
    Dafydd Stuttard & Marcus Pinto The Web Application Hacker's Handbook (nonfiction)
    Albert Szmigielski Bitcoin Essentials (nonfiction)
    David Thiel iOS Application Security (nonfiction)
    Georgia Weidman Penetration Testing (nonfiction)
    Finally, the two SF bundles: Buzz Aldrin & John Barnes Encounter with Tiber (sff)
    Poul Anderson Orion Shall Rise (sff)
    Greg Bear The Forge of God (sff)
    Octavia E. Butler Dawn (sff)
    William C. Dietz Steelheart (sff)
    J.L. Doty A Choice of Treasons (sff)
    Harlan Ellison The City on the Edge of Forever (sff)
    Toh Enjoe Self-Reference ENGINE (sff)
    David Feintuch Midshipman's Hope (sff)
    Alan Dean Foster Icerigger (sff)
    Alan Dean Foster Mission to Moulokin (sff)
    Alan Dean Foster The Deluge Drivers (sff)
    Taiyo Fujii Orbital Cloud (sff)
    Hideo Furukawa Belka, Why Don't You Bark? (sff)
    Haikasoru (ed.) Saiensu Fikushon 2016 (sff anthology)
    Joe Haldeman All My Sins Remembered (sff)
    Jyouji Hayashi The Ouroboros Wave (sff)
    Sergei Lukyanenko The Genome (sff)
    Chohei Kambayashi Good Luck, Yukikaze (sff)
    Chohei Kambayashi Yukikaze (sff)
    Sakyo Komatsu Virus (sff)
    Miyuki Miyabe The Book of Heroes (sff)
    Kazuki Sakuraba Red Girls (sff)
    Robert Silverberg Across a Billion Years (sff)
    Allen Steele Orbital Decay (sff)
    Bruce Sterling Schismatrix Plus (sff)
    Michael Swanwick Vacuum Flowers (sff)
    Yoshiki Tanaka Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 1: Dawn (sff)
    Yoshiki Tanaka Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 2: Ambition (sff)
    Yoshiki Tanaka Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 3: Endurance (sff)
    Tow Ubukata Mardock Scramble (sff)
    Sayuri Ueda The Cage of Zeus (sff)
    Sean Williams & Shane Dix Echoes of Earth (sff)
    Hiroshi Yamamoto MM9 (sff)
    Timothy Zahn Blackcollar (sff)
    Phew. Okay, all caught up, and hopefully won't have to dump something like this again in the near future. Also, more books than I have any actual time to read, but what else is new.

    2 October 2017

    James McCoy: Monthly FLOSS activity - 2017/09 edition

    Debian devscripts Before deciding to take an indefinite hiatus from devscripts, I prepared one more upload merging various contributed patches and a bit of last minute cleanup. I also setup integration with Travis CI to hopefully catch issues sooner than "while preparing an upload", as was typically the case before. Anyone with push access to the Debian/devscripts GitHub repo can take advantage of this to test out changes, or keep the development branches up to date. In the process, I was able to make some improvements to, namely support for DEB_BUILD_PROFILES and using a separate, minimal docker image for running autopkgtests. unibilium neovim Oddly, the mips64el builds were in BD-Uninstallable state, even though luajit's buildd status showed it was built. Looking further, I noticed the libluajit-5.1 ,-dev binary packages didn't have the mips64el architecture enabled, so I asked for it to be enabled. msgpack-c There were a few packages left which would FTBFS if I uploaded msgpack-c 2.x to unstable. All of the bug reports had either trivial work arounds (i.e., forcing use of the v1 C++ API) or trivial patches. However, I didn't want to continue waiting for the packages to get fixed since I knew other people had expressed interest in the new msgpack-c. Trying to avoid making other packages insta-buggy, I NMUed autobahn-cpp with the v1 work around. That didn't go over well, partly because I didn't send a finalized "Hey, I'd like to get this done and here's my plan to NMU" email. Based on that feedback, I decided to bump the remaining bugs to "serious" instead of NMUing and upload msgpack-c. Thanks to Jonas Smedegaard for quickly integrating my proposed fix for libdata-messagepack-perl. Hopefully, upstream has some time to review the PR soon. vim subversion

    17 August 2017

    Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: Weekly report #120

    Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday 6th and Saturday 12th August 2017: Notes about reviews of unreproducible packages 13 package reviews have been added, 7 have been updated and 34 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Packages reviewed and fixed, and reproducibility related bugs filed Upstream packages: Other bugs filed diffoscope development trydiffoscope development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb & Holger Levsen & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

    12 July 2017

    Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 115 in Stretch cycle

    Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday July 2 and Saturday July 8 2017: Reproducible work in other projects Ed Maste pointed to a thread on the LLVM developer mailing list about container iteration being the main source of non-determinism in LLVM, together with discussion on how to solve this. Ignoring build path issues, container iteration order was also the main issue with rustc, which was fixed by using a fixed-order hash map for certain compiler structures. (It was unclear from the thread whether LLVM's builds are truly path-independent or rather that they haven't done comparisons between builds run under different paths.) Bugs filed Patches submitted upstream: Reviews of unreproducible packages 52 package reviews have been added, 62 have been updated and 20 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. No issue types were updated or added this week. Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development Development continued in git with contributions from: With these changes, we are able to generate a dynamically loaded HTML diff for GCC-6 that can be displayed in a normal web browser. For more details see this mailing list post. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Bernhard M. Wiedemann and Chris Lamb & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

    27 June 2017

    Colin Watson: New address book

    I ve had a kludgy mess of electronic address books for most of two decades, and have got rather fed up with it. My stack consisted of: The biggest practical problem with this was that I had the address book that was most convenient for me to add things to (Google Contacts) and the one I used when sending email, and no sensible way to merge them or move things between them. I also wasn t especially comfortable with having all my contact information in a proprietary web service. My goals for a replacement address book system were: I think I have all this now! New stack The obvious basic technology to use is CardDAV: it s fairly complex, admittedly, but lots of software supports it and one of my goals was not having to write my own thing. This meant I needed a CardDAV server, some way to sync the database to and from both Android and the system where I run mutt, and whatever query glue was necessary to get mutt to understand vCards. There are lots of different alternatives here, and if anything the problem was an embarrassment of choice. In the end I just decided to go for things that looked roughly the right shape for me and tried not to spend too much time in analysis paralysis. CardDAV server I went with Xandikos for the server, largely because I know Jelmer and have generally had pretty good experiences with their software, but also because using Git for history of the backend storage seems like something my future self will thank me for. It isn t packaged in stretch, but it s in Debian unstable, so I installed it from there. Rather than the standalone mode suggested on the web page, I decided to set it up in what felt like a more robust way using WSGI. I installed uwsgi, uwsgi-plugin-python3, and libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi, and created the following file in /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/xandikos.ini which I then symlinked into /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/xandikos.ini:
    socket =
    uid = xandikos
    gid = xandikos
    umask = 022
    master = true
    cheaper = 2
    processes = 4
    plugin = python3
    module = xandikos.wsgi:app
    env = XANDIKOSPATH=/srv/xandikos/collections
    The port number was arbitrary, as was the path. You need to create the xandikos user and group first (adduser --system --group --no-create-home --disabled-login xandikos). I created /srv/xandikos owned by xandikos:xandikos and mode 0700, and I recommend setting a umask as shown above since uwsgi s default umask is 000 (!). You should also run sudo -u xandikos xandikos -d /srv/xandikos/collections --autocreate and then Ctrl-c it after a short time (I think it would be nicer if there were a way to ask the WSGI wrapper to do this). For Apache setup, I kept it reasonably simple: I ran a2enmod proxy_uwsgi, used htpasswd to create /etc/apache2/xandikos.passwd with a username and password for myself, added a virtual host in /etc/apache2/sites-available/xandikos.conf, and enabled it with a2ensite xandikos:
    <VirtualHost *:443>
            ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/xandikos-error.log
            TransferLog /var/log/apache2/xandikos-access.log
            <Location />
                    ProxyPass "uwsgi://"
                    AuthType Basic
                    AuthName "Xandikos"
                    AuthBasicProvider file
                    AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/xandikos.passwd"
                    Require valid-user
    Then service apache2 reload, set the new virtual host up with Let s Encrypt, reloaded again, and off we go. Android integration I installed DAVdroid from the Play Store: it cost a few pounds, but I was OK with that since it s GPLv3 and I m happy to help fund free software. I created two accounts, one for my existing Google Contacts database (and in fact calendaring as well, although I don t intend to switch over to self-hosting that just yet), and one for the new Xandikos instance. The Google setup was a bit fiddly because I have two-step verification turned on so I had to create an app-specific password. The Xandikos setup was straightforward: base URL, username, password, and done. Since I didn t completely trust the new setup yet, I followed what seemed like the most robust option from the DAVdroid contacts syncing documentation, and used the stock contacts app to export my Google Contacts account to a .vcf file and then import that into the appropriate DAVdroid account (which showed up automatically). This seemed straightforward and everything got pushed to Xandikos. There are some weird delays in syncing contacts that I don t entirely understand, but it all seems to get there in the end. mutt integration First off I needed to sync the contacts. (In fact I happen to run mutt on the same system where I run Xandikos at the moment, but I don t want to rely on that, and going through the CardDAV server means that I don t have to poke holes for myself using filesystem permissions.) I used vdirsyncer for this. In ~/.vdirsyncer/config:
    status_path = "~/.vdirsyncer/status/"
    [pair contacts]
    a = "contacts_local"
    b = "contacts_remote"
    collections = ["from a", "from b"]
    [storage contacts_local]
    type = "filesystem"
    path = "~/.contacts/"
    fileext = ".vcf"
    [storage contacts_remote]
    type = "carddav"
    url = "<Xandikos base URL>"
    username = "<my username>"
    password = "<my password>"
    Running vdirsyncer discover and vdirsyncer sync then synced everything into ~/.contacts/. I added an hourly crontab entry to run vdirsyncer -v WARNING sync. Next, I needed a command-line address book tool based on this. khard looked about right and is in stretch, so I installed that. In ~/.config/khard/khard.conf (this is mostly just the example configuration, but I preferred to sort by first name since not all my contacts have neat first/last names):
    path = ~/.contacts/<UUID of my contacts collection>/
    debug = no
    default_action = list
    editor = vim
    merge_editor = vimdiff
    [contact table]
    # display names by first or last name: first_name / last_name
    display = first_name
    # group by address book: yes / no
    group_by_addressbook = no
    # reverse table ordering: yes / no
    reverse = no
    # append nicknames to name column: yes / no
    show_nicknames = no
    # show uid table column: yes / no
    show_uids = yes
    # sort by first or last name: first_name / last_name
    sort = first_name
    # extend contacts with your own private objects
    # these objects are stored with a leading "X-" before the object name in the vcard files
    # every object label may only contain letters, digits and the - character
    # example:
    #   private_objects = Jabber, Skype, Twitter
    private_objects = Jabber, Skype, Twitter
    # preferred vcard version: 3.0 / 4.0
    preferred_version = 3.0
    # Look into source vcf files to speed up search queries: yes / no
    search_in_source_files = no
    # skip unparsable vcard files: yes / no
    skip_unparsable = no
    Now khard list shows all my contacts. So far so good. Apparently there are some awkward vCard compatibility issues with creating or modifying contacts from the khard end. I ve tried adding one address from ~/.mutt/aliases using khard and it seems to at least minimally work for me, but I haven t explored this very much yet. I had to install python3-vobject from experimental to fix eventable/vobject#39 saving certain vCard files. Finally, mutt integration. I already had set query_command="lbdbq '%s'" in ~/.muttrc, and I wanted to keep that in place since I still wanted to use LDAP querying as well. I had to write a very small amount of code for this (perhaps I should contribute this to lbdb upstream?), in ~/.lbdb/modules/m_khard:
    #! /bin/sh
    m_khard_query ()  
        khard email --parsable --remove-first-line --search-in-source-files "$1"
    My full ~/.lbdb/rc now reads as follows (you probably won t want the LDAP stuff, but I ve included it here for completeness):
    MODULES_PATH="$MODULES_PATH $HOME/.lbdb/modules"
    METHODS='m_muttalias m_khard m_ldap'
    LDAP_NICKS='debian canonical'
    Next steps I ve deleted one account from Google Contacts just to make sure that everything still works (e.g. I can still search for it when composing a new message), but I haven t yet deleted everything. I won t be adding anything new there though. I need to push everything from ~/.mutt/aliases into the new system. This is only about 30 contacts so shouldn t take too long. Overall this feels like a big improvement! It wasn t a trivial amount of setup for just me, but it means I have both better usability for myself and more independence from proprietary services, and I think I can add extra users with much less effort if I need to. Postscript A day later and I ve consolidated all my accounts from Google Contacts and ~/.mutt/aliases into the new system, with the exception of one group that I had defined as a mutt alias and need to work out what to do with. This all went smoothly. I ve filed the new lbdb module as #866178, and the python3-vobject bug as #866181.

    13 June 2017

    Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 111 in Stretch cycle

    Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday June 4 and Saturday June 10 2017: Past and upcoming events On June 10th, Chris Lamb presented at the Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2017 on reproducible builds. Patches and bugs filed Reviews of unreproducible packages 7 package reviews have been added, 10 have been updated and 14 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: Two FTBFS issues of LEDE (exposed in our setup) were found and were fixed: diffoscope development Alexander 'lynxis' Couzens made some changes for testing LEDE and OpenWrt: Hans-Christoph Steiner, for testing F-Droid: Daniel Shahaf, for testing Debian: Holger 'h01ger' Levsen, for testing Debian: Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Chris Lamb and Holger Levsen & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

    1 June 2017

    Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in May 2017

    Welcome to Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Games Bug fixes New upstream release Debian Java Debian LTS This was my fifteenth month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 27,25 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: Misc Thanks for reading and see you next time.

    12 May 2017

    Daniel Pocock: Kamailio World and FSFE team visit, Tirana arrival

    This week I've been thrilled to be in Berlin for Kamailio World 2017, one of the highlights of the SIP, VoIP and telephony enthusiast's calendar. It is an event that reaches far beyond Kamailio and is well attended by leaders of many of the well known free software projects in this space. HOMER 6 is coming Alexandr Dubovikov gave me a sneak peek of the new version of the HOMER SIP capture framework for gathering, storing and analyzing messages in a SIP network. exploring HOMER 6 with Alexandr Dubovikov at Kamailio World 2017 Visiting the FSFE team in Berlin Having recently joined the FSFE's General Assembly as the fellowship representative, I've been keen to get to know more about the organization. My visit to the FSFE office involved a wide-ranging discussion with Erik Albers about the fellowship program and FSFE in general. discussing the Fellowship program with Erik Albers Steak and SDR night After a hard day of SIP hacking and a long afternoon at Kamailio World's open bar, a developer needs a decent meal and something previously unseen to hack on. A group of us settled at Escados, Alexanderplatz where my SDR kit emerged from my bag and other Debian users found out how easy it is to apt install the packages, attach the dongle and explore the radio spectrum. playing with SDR after dinner Next stop OSCAL'17, Tirana Having left Berlin, I'm now in Tirana, Albania where I'll give an SDR workshop and Free-RTC talk at OSCAL'17. The weather forecast is between 26 - 28 degrees celsius, the food is great and the weekend's schedule is full of interesting talks and workshops. The organizing team have already made me feel very welcome here, meeting me at the airport and leaving a very generous basket of gifts in my hotel room. OSCAL has emerged as a significant annual event in the free software world and if it's too late for you to come this year, don't miss it in 2018. OSCAL'17 banner

    6 May 2017

    Jelmer Vernooij: Xandikos, a new Git-backed CalDAV/CardDAV server

    For the last couple of years, I have self-hosted my calendar and address book data. Originally I just kept local calendars and address books in Evolution, but later I moved to a self-hosted CalDAV/CardDAV server and a plethora of clients.
    CalDAV/CardDAV CalDAV and CardDAV are standards for accessing, managing, and sharing calendaring and addressbook information based on the iCalendar format that are built atop the WebDAV standard, and WebDAV itself is a set of extensions to HTTP. CalDAV and CardDAV essentially store iCalendar (.ics) and vCard (.vcf) files using WebDAV, but they provide some extra guarantees (e.g. files must be well-formed) and some additional methods for querying the data. For example, it is possible to retrieve all events between two dates with a single HTTP query, rather than the client having to check all the calendar files in a directory. CalDAV and CardDAV are (unnecessarily) complex, in large part because they are built on top of WebDAV. Being able to use regular HTTP and WebDAV clients is quite neat, but results in extra complexity. In addition, because the standards are so large, clients and servers end up only implementing parts of it. However, CalDAV and CardDAV have one big redeeming quality: they are the dominant standards for synchronising calendar events and addressbooks, and are supported by a wide variety of free and non-free applications. They're the status quo, until something better comes along. (and hey, at least there is a standard to begin with)
    Calypso I have tried a number of servers over the years. In the end, I settled for calypso. Calypso started out as friendly fork of Radicale, with some additional improvements. I like Calypso because it is:
    • quite simple, understandable, and small (sloccount reports 1700 LOC)
    • it stores plain .vcf and .ics files
    • stores history in git
    • easy to set up, e.g. no database dependencies
    • written in Python
    Its use of regular files and keeping history in Git is useful, because this means that whenever it breaks it is much easier to see what is happening. If something were to go wrong (i.e. a client decides to remove all server-side entries) it's easy to recover by rolling back history using git. However, there are some downsides to Calypso as well. It doesn't have good test coverage, making it harder to change (especially in a way that doesn't break some clients), though there are some recent efforts to make e.g. external spec compliance tests like caldavtester work with it. Calypso's CalDAV/CardDAV/WebDAV implementation is a bit ad-hoc. The only WebDAV REPORTs it implements are calendar-multiget and addressbook-multiget. Support for properties has been added as new clients request them. The logic for replying to DAV requests is mixed with the actual data store implementation. Because of this, it can be hard to get going with some clients and sometimes tricky to debug.
    Xandikos After attempting to fix a number of issues in Calypso, I kept running into issues with the way its code is structured. This is only fixable by rewriting sigifnicant chunks of it, so I opted to instead write a new server. The goals of Xandikos are along the same lines as those of Calypso, to be a simple CalDAV/CardDAV server for personal use:
    • easy to set up; at the moment, just running xandikos -d $HOME/dav --defaults is enough to start a new server
    • use of plain .ics/.ivf files for storage
    • history stored in Git
    But additionally:
    • clear separation between protocol implementation and storage
    • be well tested
    • standards complete
    • standards compliant
    Current status The CalDAV/CardDAV implementation of Xandikos is mostly complete, but there still a number of outstanding issues. In particular:
    • lack of authentication support; setting up authentication support in uwsgi or a reverse proxy is one way of working around this
    • there is no useful UI for users accessing the DAV resources via a web browser
    • test coverage
    Xandikos has been tested with the following clients:
    Trying it To run Xandikos, follow the instructions on the homepage:
    ./bin/xandikos --defaults -d $HOME/dav
    A server should now be listening on localhost:8080 that you can access with your favorite client.

    30 April 2017

    Chris Lamb: Free software activities in April 2017

    Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previous month):
    Reproducible builds

    Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most software is distributed pre-compiled to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to permit verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously or accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. I have generously been awarded a grant from the Core Infrastructure Initiative to fund my work in this area. This month I:
    I also made the following changes to diffoscope, our recursive and content-aware diff utility used to locate and diagnose reproducibility issues:
    • New features:
      • Add support for comparing Ogg Vorbis files. (0436f9b)
    • Bug fixes:
      • Prevent a traceback when using --new-file with containers. (#861286)
      • Don't crash on invalid archives; print a useful error instead. (#833697).
      • Don't print error output from bzip2 call. (21180c4)
    • Cleanups:
      • Prevent abstraction-level violations by defining visual diff support on Presenter classes. (7b68309)
      • Show Debian packages installed in test output. (c86a9e1)

    Debian LTS

    This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
    • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
    • Issued DLA 882-1 for the tryton-server general application platform to fix a path suffix injection attack.
    • Issued DLA 883-1 for curl preventing a buffer read overrun vulnerability.
    • Issued DLA 884-1 for collectd (a statistics collection daemon) to close a potential infinite loop vulnerability.
    • Issued DLA 885-1 for the python-django web development framework patching two open redirect & XSS attack issues.
    • Issued DLA 890-1 for ming, a library to create Flash files, closing multiple heap-based buffer overflows.
    • Issued DLA 892-1 and DLA 891-1 for the libnl3/libnl Netlink protocol libraries, fixing integer overflow issues which could have allowed arbitrary code execution.

    • redis (4:4.0-rc3-1) New upstream RC release.
    • adminer:
      • 4.3.0-2 Fix debian/watch file.
      • 4.3.1-1 New upstream release.
    • bfs:
      • 1.0-1 Initial release.
      • 1.0-2 Drop fstype tests as they rely on /etc/mtab being available. (#861471)
    • python-django:
      • 1:1.10.7-1 New upstream security release.
      • 1:1.11-1 New upstream stable release to experimental.

    I sponsored the following uploads: I also performed the following QA uploads:
    • gtkglext (1.2.0-7) Correct installation location of gdkglext-config.h after "Multi-Archification" in 1.2.0-5. (#860007)
    Finally, I made the following non-maintainer uploads (NMUs):
    • python-formencode (1.3.0-2) Don't ship files in /usr/lib/python 2.7,3 /dist-packages/docs. (#860146)
    • django-assets (0.12-2) Patch pytest plugin to check whether we are running in a Django context, otherwise we can break unrelated testsuites. (#859916)

    FTP Team

    As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 155 packages: aiohttp-cors, bear, colorize, erlang-p1-xmpp, fenrir, firejail, fizmo-console, flask-ldapconn, flask-socketio,, fonts-blankenburg, fortune-zh, fw4spl, fzy, gajim-antispam, gdal, getdns, gfal2, gmime, golang-github-go-macaron-captcha, golang-github-go-macaron-i18n, golang-github-gogits-chardet, golang-github-gopherjs-gopherjs, golang-github-jroimartin-gocui, golang-github-lunny-nodb, golang-github-markbates-goth, golang-github-neowaylabs-wabbit, golang-github-pkg-xattr, golang-github-siddontang-goredis, golang-github-unknwon-cae, golang-github-unknwon-i18n, golang-github-unknwon-paginater, grpc, grr-client-templates, gst-omx, hddemux, highwayhash, icedove, indexed-gzip, jawn, khal, kytos-utils, libbloom, libdrilbo, libhtml-gumbo-perl, libmonospaceif, libpsortb, libundead, llvm-toolchain-4.0, minetest-mod-homedecor, mini-buildd, mrboom, mumps, nnn, node-anymatch, node-asn1.js, node-assert-plus, node-binary-extensions, node-bn.js, node-boom, node-brfs, node-browser-resolve, node-browserify-des, node-browserify-zlib, node-cipher-base, node-console-browserify, node-constants-browserify, node-delegates, node-diffie-hellman, node-errno, node-falafel, node-hash-base, node-hash-test-vectors, node-hash.js, node-hmac-drbg, node-https-browserify, node-jsbn, node-json-loader, node-json-schema, node-loader-runner, node-miller-rabin, node-minimalistic-crypto-utils, node-p-limit, node-prr, node-sha.js, node-sntp, node-static-module, node-tapable, node-tough-cookie, node-tunein, node-umd, open-infrastructure-storage-tools, opensvc, openvas, pgaudit, php-cassandra, protracker, pygame, pypng, python-ase, python-bip32utils, python-ltfatpy, python-pyqrcode, python-rpaths, python-statistics, python-xarray, qtcharts-opensource-src, r-cran-cellranger, r-cran-lexrankr, r-cran-pwt9, r-cran-rematch, r-cran-shinyjs, r-cran-snowballc, ruby-ddplugin, ruby-google-protobuf, ruby-rack-proxy, ruby-rails-assets-underscore, rustc, sbt, sbt-launcher-interface, sbt-serialization, sbt-template-resolver, scopt, seqsero, shim-signed, sniproxy, sortedcollections, starjava-array, starjava-connect, starjava-datanode, starjava-fits, starjava-registry, starjava-table, starjava-task, starjava-topcat, starjava-ttools, starjava-util, starjava-vo, starjava-votable, switcheroo-control, systemd, tilix, tslib, tt-rss-notifier-chrome, u-boot, unittest++, vc, vim-ledger, vis, wesnoth-1.13, wolfssl, wuzz, xandikos, xtensor-python & xwallpaper. I additionally filed 14 RC bugs against packages that had incomplete debian/copyright files against getdns, gfal2, grpc, mrboom, mumps, opensvc, python-ase, sniproxy, starjava-topcat, starjava-ttools, unittest++, wolfssl, xandikos & xtensor-python.

    24 December 2016

    Shirish Agarwal: Trains, Planes and the future

    Swacch Bharat - Indian Railways Copyright: Indian Express

    Swacch Bharat Indian Railways Copyright: Indian Express

    Some of the content may be NSFW. viewer discretion advised. I have had a life-long fascination with trains. One of my first memories was that of 5-7 year old, clutching my mother or grandmother s hand seeing the steam engine lumbering down whistling and smoking at the same time. I was both afraid and strangely drawn to the iron beast and the first time I knew and then slowly understood that if we come with luggage and the steam-engine comes, it means we are going to travel. I have travelled some, but there are lots to explore still and I do hope that I cover some more of it during my lifetime. The reason I am writing about trains is an article which caught my eye couple of days. Besides seeing the changing geography, the variety of food one can get on train and in stations is one of the primary reasons that Indians love to travel by trains. It is one place where you could have incredible conversations over cup of tea or favourite food and unlike air travel and the famed IFE (In-flight entertainment) people are actually pretty social even with all the gadgets. For those who are wondering, the author was travelling between Jamshedpur, Gujarat to Kolkatta, a train ride which has now gone on my bucket list for the delectable items the author has described To add to the above, it is still cheaper than air travel, although that is changing a bit as Indian Railways seeks to modernize Railways and make it into world-class bullet trains. Indian Railways has a long, rich culture and some of the most interesting nuggets you learn over time adds to the fascination of the Railways. For instance I m sharing this letter which I read first in book and then saw in the New Delhi Railway Museum. The letter I am sharing below was written by a certain Shri Okhil Chandra Sen to the Sahibganj Railway Office in year 1909, almost 38 years before India became independent. I am arrive by passenger train Ahmedpur station and my belly is too much swelling with jackfruit. I am therefore went to privy. Just I doing the nuisance that guard making whistle blow for train to go off and I am running with lotah in one hand and dhoti in the next when I am fall over and expose all my shocking to man and female women on plateform. I am got leaved at Ahmedpur station. This too much bad, if passenger go to make dung that dam guard not wait train five minutes for him. I am therefore pray your honour to make big fine on that guard for public sake. Otherwise I am making big report! to papers. If it were not for Mr. Okhil Chandra Sen we would still be running with water bottle (improvement) and jeans/shorts/whatever (again improvement) while the possibility of falling over would always be omnipresent in a hurry. Now we do have toilets and some of the better trains even have Bio-toilets which should make things better as well.(/NSFW) For the plane bit, most of my flights have been domestic flying. Some of my most memorable flights is when flying from Mumbai on a clear sky overlooking the Queen s necklace, loving it and landing in Bangalore during mist or rain or both. Delhi is also good as airports go but nothing much adventurous about it. It was only with the experience of my first international flight, I realized the same feeling again, nervousness and sense of adventure as you meet new people. Nowadays every week I do try and broaden my horizon by seeking and learning a bit about International Travel.
    Copyright: National Geographic Magazine

    Copyright: National Geographic Magazine

    In this I came across an article on National Geographic site which also evoked similar feelings. While I can t go back to the past and even if I did (in distant past before I was born), I wouldn t want to improve my financial situation at all (as otherwise I would hit the Grandfather Paradox or/and the Butterfly effect (essentially saying there s no free lunch), it still makes you wonder about a time when people had lot more adventure and lot more moving parts. I do wish they had a much bigger snapshot of that plane so I could really see how people sat in the old aircraft. The low-resolution picture doesn t do justice to the poster and the idea of that time. for an implementation of Butterfly effect. The Grandfather Paradox has been seen plenty of times in fantasy movies like the Back to the Future, Planet of the Apes and many others so will not go there. For the average joe today, s/he has to navigate security,check bags, get her/imself processed through passport control, get boarding pass, get to the gate on-time, get to the aircraft via bridge or bus, get to the seat, somehow make it through the ascent and use your IFE and get snacks and meals till it s time to touch-down and re-do the whole drill again as many times you are connecting. I really admire Gunnar Wolf for the tenacity he showed for the x number of connections he made both ways.
    The world's 10 best airports Copyright: Changi International Airport

    Photo Courtesy Changi International Airport, Singapore

    While leafing through the interweb today, came across an article . While you can slice and dice the report anyway you want, for me if ever I get a chance again for an International Travel, I would try to see I get a layover at these three airports in order of preference (this is on the basis that none of these airports need a transit visa for the activities shared) a. Changi International Airport It is supposed to have shower amenities, has a movie theatre (+1), free tour of the city (+1) and of course as many Indians do go to Singapore as a destination in itself would have multiple vegetarian options (+2) so would be nice if I need to layover. b. Zurich Airport (ZRH) For passengers with an extended layover, Zurich Airport offers bicycle and inline-skate rentals and excursions to the Swiss Museum of Transport Lucerne. From While I m not much of a bicycle and inline-skating freak, if the Swiss Museum of Transport Lucerne is anything to the scale of Isiko Museum which I shared in a blog post sometime before, it would be worth by itself. I haven t tried to find the site but can imagine, for e.g. if it has a full-scale model of a submarine or train engine, either steam-engines or ones like SNCF or any of the other bullet-trains and early aircraft, it would just blow my mind. When you are talking about transport, there is so much science, business, logistics etc. that I m sure I ll overload with information, photos and any trinkets they have to buy. c. Central Japan International Airport (NGO) It has a 1,000-foot-long sky deck where passengers can watch ships sail into Nagoya Port. There s also a traditional Japanese bathhouse where you can have a relaxing soak while watching the sunset over the bay. Not a bad place to be if you need a layover. Just sink yourself in the bathhouse and see the bay and ships coming in. Luxury indeed. Honourable mention d. Munich Airport (MUC) A nearby visitors park features mini golf and a display of historic aircraft. . Now this would have made my list but I guess one would need a Schengen visa to access the visitors park but then if you have that, then why just stay in the Airport itself, could travel through Europe itself and have a longish stop-over. So all in all, it s indeed a fascinating time to be alive, dreaming and just being. Till later. Update I had forgotten to share one more reason why I was writing this article. Although somewhat of a cynic, am hopeful that Pune metro happens. Also, if I had just waited a day, would have been able to add couple of wonderful articles that would make people wanderlust more
    Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #Best Airports, #Central Japan International Airport, #Changi International Airport, #Food, #Loo, #Nostalgia, #NSFW, #Planes, #Steam Engine, #Trains, #Zurich Airport, Indian Railways, memories

